How Does Wallet Work?

Wallet Definition

Financial interactions between the driver and the company and the customer are managed in Wallets in Onro. The wallet has a balance that shows how much money it has. When a customer or driver registers with the software, they are given their wallet.

The wallet is then displayed in the driver, customer, and web applications.

The balance in your wallet is either positive or negative. Both situations are described in the following sections.

Positive balance: If the balance is positive, the company owes the customer/driver (the customer/ driver's credit is valid for the balance amount).

For example, If a customer's Wallets have a positive $100 balance, they can access the company's services for as little as $100. This $100 represents the customer's account balance with the company.

Negative balance: The customer or driver owes the same amount to the company.

For example, If the driver's Wallet balance is $20, that signifies the driver owes the company $20 and must pay that amount.

The balance value in the wallet is zero when it is created for the customer or driver because this user (customer or driver) has yet to complete a transaction.

How does the balance change?

Transactions increase or decrease the balance. There are two types of transactions in general in the software:

Creditor: This transaction brings the balance an increase.

Debtor: With this transaction, the balance is decreased.

Note: A Wallet's balance is the mathematical sum of its transactions. The Wallet Balance will be +3 if a creditor transaction of $10 and a debtor transaction of $7 are recorded. ((+10) + (-7) = +3)


The wallet is the mathematical aggregate of transactions, as previously stated. Different transactions are recorded for drivers and customers for various reasons; the transactions are examined in the following.

Types of Drivers Transactions

The following factors have an impact on the driver's wallet balance.

  • Using the payment gateway to top up the wallet.

  • Increasing/decreasing balance by support

  • Completing the order with the wallet payment method (if his working type is a commission-based)

  • Completing the order with the cash payment method (if his working type is a commission-based)

The following is a list of the different sorts of transactions that can be recorded for a driver. These transactions might be debtor or creditor in nature.

  • Order

  • Payment

  • Support

  • Commission

  • Withdraw

  • Income

Order: The amount added to the driver's wallet is recorded as an order transaction when the earning settings in the driver's working type are commission-based.

Example: The impact of an order being paid online is examined in the following case.

  • Order Fee: $10

  • Customer Payment Type: Wallet (online - credit)

  • Driver Working Type: Commission-based

  • Percentage of Commission (business share): 10%

  • Recorded Transaction for the Driver: $9 (Creditor)

In this case, the driver's wallet balance increases by $9 due to completing the order.

Payment: Drivers can top up their wallets through the driver app if the software is connected to a payment gateway. They will top up their wallet balance. A creditor transaction is recorded for this transaction. The type of this transaction is Payment.

Example: The driver's wallet balance is initially zero. To put it another way, no transaction has yet been recorded in the software for him.

If he wishes to increase his balance by $10, the money will be in his wallets following the online payment procedure. For him, a payment (creditor) transaction is recorded.

Note: It is impossible to top up the balance if the wallet is turned off in the driver's working type.

Support: The admin dashboard can create a new transaction for a driver. It is the sort of transaction that is recorded. These transactions have a direct impact on the driver's wallet.

Commission: This transaction is only for drivers who work on a commission basis. This type of transaction is used to record the commission they must pay to the company. Here are two cases in point.


  • Order Fee: $10

  • Customer Payment Type: Cash

  • Driver Working Type: Commission-based

  • Percentage of Commission (business share): 20%

  • Recorded Transaction for the Driver: $2 Commission (Creditor)

It indicates that the driver must pay the company $2 of the $10 received in cash from the customer. It is managed by lowering the driver's wallet balance by $2.


  • Order Fee: $10

  • Customer Payment Type: Wallet (Credit)

  • Driver Working Type: Commission-based

  • Percentage of Commission (business share): 20%

  • Recorded Transaction for the Driver: $2 Commission (Debtor) | $10 Commission (Creditor)

It implies that the driver must pay the company $2 of the money received on credit from the customer. It is accomplished by increasing the driver's balance by $8 (10 - 8 = 2)

Withdraw: Drivers have the option to request a withdrawal. If the wallet balance is positive, the company owes the driver money. (The company has given the driver a credit in the amount of the balance.) If the driver wants the company to provide him with his wallet balance, he must do so through the driver application.

The company examines this request, and if approved, a withdrawal (Debtor) transaction will be recorded for the driver. If the sum is $10, the driver's wallet will be decreased by $10.

Income: This type of transaction is not considered when calculating wallet balances. When calculating the driver's performance (the sum of the cost of the orders he has done), a transaction of the type of income is recorded for each order, regardless of whether it is cash or credit. This transaction is used to generate information like driver performance.

Types of Customer Transactions

The following factors have an impact on a customer's wallet balance.

  • Using the payment gateway to top up the wallet

  • increasing/decreasing balance by support

  • Placing orders using the wallet payment method

  • When using the wallet as a payment method, blocked transactions decrease the wallet balance (during the order lifetime)

The following is a list of the different sorts of transactions that can be recorded for a customer. These transactions might be debtor or creditor in nature.

  • Order

  • Payment

  • Support

  • Blocked

  • Promotion

Order: A debtor transaction is equal to the cost of the order when a customer places an order with the payment method of wallet, and the order is fulfilled successfully.


If a customer's wallet balance is $10 and the order fee is $5, the wallet balance will be $5 once the driver has completed the order.

Payment: Customers can top up their wallets if the software is linked to a payment gateway. It will increase the balance in their wallet by which a creditor transaction is recorded. Payment is the type of this transaction.


The customer's wallet balance is initially zero. To put it another way, no transaction has yet been recorded in the software for him.

If he chooses to increase his balance by $10, the money will be in his wallets following the payment procedure. For him, a payment transaction of the payment (creditor) type is recorded.

Support: The admin/support can create a new transaction for a customer. It is the sort of transaction that is recorded. These transactions have a direct impact on the wallets of the customers. The customer balance can be increased or decreased immediately with these transactions.

Blocked: This transaction is temporarily used. A transaction is recorded in the amount of the order cost of the blocked(debtor) type when a customer places an order with a wallet payment method. It signifies that the money is taken from the customer's wallet.

The transaction will be removed if the order is not completed or fails (for example, the order will be canceled) The blocked transaction is removed if the order is completed and a new order transaction will be recorded for the customer

Promotion: This type of transaction is not considered when calculating the customer's wallet balance. The discount amount is saved as a promotion transaction when the customer uses the promotion code.

For example, if a customer places a $10 order and applies a 20% discount code, the system records a $2 promotion transaction.

Last updated