Chat Quick Message

Chat short/quick messages let the customer and the driver communicate more quickly. To send this message, you can click on one of the pre-made messages.

The list of quick messages in the customer and driver applications, for example, can be seen in the photos below.

It is usually ideal for giving users pre-made messages for the most regularly used messages.

This section can independently manage quick (ready) messages for the customer and the driver.

The list that you can delete is shown in the table below.

Add a Quick Message

To create a new message, select New Record and fill in the fields below in the window that appears.

Text: Ready-to-send text message

For: You can select whether this message is intended for customers or drivers in this field.

Priority: This is the order in which messages are shown. The higher the importance, the smaller the number.

Language: If the software supports multiple languages, you can use this option to specify the language in which this message is defined.

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