Payment Gateway

Onro provides customers and drivers with their wallets in the software they can top up and use as a payment method.

To add money to your wallet, you must first connect to the payment gateway and make an online payment.

Companies that provide payment gateway services should be used to increase wallet balance. Each project in Onro is linked to its payment gateway. It means the business must register with a payment service provider and enter its details in this setting section.

It is currently connected to the following services.

If you plan to use another service, please let us know, and it will be listed.

Note that you can have numerous payment providers active at once, and the customer or driver has the option to choose when topping up.

You can enable all of the above by clicking on them and entering the information requested by your service provider in the window that appears.

For example, to connect to Stripe, you'll need to enter the following information.

Each payment gateway's information that you enter and submit will be appended to the bottom. (is in use/ active)

Two PayPal and Stripe payment gateways, for example, have been added to the software in the figure below.

Last updated